
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

When not cashing big checks from publishers [ scroll down to first message] I do little odd jobs for $$$. So this week I found myself in a cute little bungalow in the 'burbs (a hop 'n a skip from the city) painting. What was great about that was
  1. Low ceilings
  2. COURT TV!

There was cable tv upstairs and down and this awful NBA person who shot the chauffeur is on. You can mostly listen which is good - because I wouldn't get any work done watching. And I got to rivet myself to the tv during breaks for the paint to dry. 3 day job. Driver-killer guy scowled and made faces at witnesses, today State troopers, which wasn't winning him praise by the pick a person apart expert commentators. Everyone (not just me) HATES his show off too big cross he sports on his lapel. Diamonds. Jerk.

Speaking of crosses - same channel yesterday said UC (rapist football palyers college) jocks are all in with the Promise Keepers. It figures. Both stories too sordid for me to borrow from when inventing bad guys. My bad guys are bad - but not that despicable!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

=whew= what a newsy filled day! I am so enjoying watching the gov. Perry (Texas) scandal unfold. Waiting to see if media picks it up. Soo-o much fun watching the right wingers squirm! I can just imagine. It should rival Neil Bush's divorce trial. Its such a contrast to love-filled S.F.:

"Robert Yamaguchi and Raymond Mungo were waiting outside City Hall in the cold early Friday morning when a florist clutching wedding bouquets handed them one. The outside of the accompanying envelope read, "To The Happy Couple, " and the card tucked inside said simply, "With love from Minneapolis, Minnesota." "

and such sweet photos!

Meanwhile - back at the ranch - I won't be posting unless there's something earth shattering for a few days. Got a job for a few days. A few gulps of air - then back below the surface!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Write Fem comments box is now running. Don't know how I got it to go but I did. I'm all up to date on the St. Valentine's day revolution in San Fransisco. Great coverage is on www.sfgate.com

Had a nice note from a staffer there when I sent msg about how great their coverage is. Escpecially good kick in the pants for our pinhead usurping weasel (p)resident. He and his minions (all 5 of them!) can sit around and be 'troubled' - that screwhead!

Thought for the day:
One thing about being unpublished - sure saves a lot of trees! Only upside. Downside is rent due at end of the month.
Upside - Olypmics back in the news.
Downside - my book is set in Atlanta. But it's still fun - plus everybody speaks English. I don't think book with Greek speaking characters would sell so well.

Speaking of Greece - great read -
"The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture" by George Hersey, MIT press. Isbn 0262580896 The creepy gorey scary history of the icons and symbols seen in every townhall and church steps in the country. What a book I could get out of that theme! Creepy symbols of sacrifice & death and lead character ordinary gal who falls in love with man who's secretly not a man at all but an XXX (name later) from the netherworld of the past where nobody dies like in Egyptian religion. Jazz up Budge a little. Forces of good 'n evil played out in a swank suberban setting blah blah. And baddies - just from this architecture book are SOO-O bad. Good enough to spin a series. And double meaning of bland architecture a big key to reader as to what side characters are on. A little comedy thrown in.
Oh well, gotta get the first one in print.


Monday, February 16, 2004

Things to do while waiting for that BIG DEAL:

  1. Get active in the
    resistance to the FTAA
    . It may not break up the publishers' monopoly on the market, but it will make you feel better!

  2. Don't totally break with reality! No home decoration/organization. A true sign of going to pieces. Hang in there, gal!

  3. Make lists of stuff you need - after you pay off your owners at American Express! Backlist shopping will be fun as everything
    will be cheaper and have more tech features
    as economy goes south! About 4 or 5 Elvis Bradford plates just waiting for shipping.

  4. Learn lyrics to Eric Miller songs!

  5. Teach parakeets to talk. At least something besides that good imitation they do of the phone ringing!

And for Pete's sake - NO MORE MANUSCRIPTS til you get paid! Murder on [ famous unnamed location] series all set. Just some jiggering by an editor. As soon as I get one =sigh=.

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Keeps the brain alive!

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